Toon Boom Animation Releases Toon Boom Studio 8

Animate in Full Gear with Toon Boom Studio 8

Two-time Emmy® award recipient, Toon Boom Animation Inc. has announced the release of Toon Boom Studio 8, its flagship animation software for hobbyists. This new version is packed with easy-to-use features that make traditional animation, cut-out-animation and bones animation a breeze. In addition, Studio 8 includes new lip-sync tools and impressive special effects. With this release, Toon Boom has decided to permanently reduce the regular retail price to $249 US and the upgrade price to $79 US, making Studio 8 affordable for everyone.

Toon Boom Studio 8 Highlights:

Instant Motion!
Draw a trajectory and follow the line!
Instant Talking!
Import your sound! Lip-sync as easy as 1,2,3!
Instant Blockbuster Effects!
Make the action happen! Movie magic just one click away
Instant Natural Movement!
Introducing the soft and smooth bone movement collection
Instant Storyline!
Direct your own movie! Start the action!

Animation in Education
Toon Boom Studio 8 comes with a comprehensive Art Curriculum delivered to schools who purchase lab packs. Beyond the teaching of animation in art classes, Toon Boom Studio is increasingly used to teach the core curriculum. Using animation as a medium of communication translates into higher student achievement and better retention. WatchCarol Shaw at South Junior High, CA, talking about the positive outcomes of using Toon Boom’s products in her classroom.

Pricing and Availability

Purchase Toon Boom Studio 8 for $249 US. Customers owning earlier versions of Toon Boom Studio can upgrade to version 8 for only $79 US.

Information about the Toon Boom Studio 8 is now available online at: