Vincent Versace, an internationally recognized pioneer in the art and science of digital photography and Recipient of the Computerworld Smithsonian Award in Media Arts and Entertainment, well known for his expertise in ‘Natural Light Photography’, will engage photography enthusiasts in India by conducting workshops on Digital Photography in Banaras, Kolkata and Mumbai.
Taken by Versace’s work and his distinct perspective on photography,, the talent showcase platform for aspiring photographers, writers, actors, models, singers, music composers, short-film-makers, lyricists and poets has invited Versace to conduct the workshops.
The workshop will take place from 20 to 22 September in Banaras, wherein Versace will share his hands on experience through an outdoor session and enthusiasts will get a chance to explore and experience fine art photography, bokeh (the aesthetic quality of the blur) and advanced black and white photo art. He will also engage photographers in ExDR i.e. Extending the Dynamic Range of Focus Through the Use of Image Harvesting.
On September 24 and 26, he will engage photographers in better use of cameras, lenses and the post processing choices in Kolkata and Mumbai, respectively.
Versace describes India as the meetings of the spirit and the spice of life in one place, all at once and shares that, “I am delighted to be associated with and look forward to connect with the photography enthusiasts in next month. The vibrancy of color – both in the actual sense of the word and the ‘colorfulness’ of the people from inside out and outside is encouraging,”
Adds more, “As the world becomes a smaller place because of the volume of people in it, the need increases to be found and effectively heard. The talent pooling website, Tumbhi is plugging this need gap for the artists.”
Robin Rastogi, Head of operations, Tumbhi, shares, “At Tumbhi, we want to do everything that promotes art, culture, photography, music and painting. Versace’s contribution in the entire digital image value chain is unmatched. Hence, we decided to invite him and to introduce our photography enthusiasts to the serious art and craft of photography through his lens.”
Versace’s workshops will be an opportunity to open oneself to the new school of thought that says – don’t take pictures, but be taken by your pictures. Photography enthusiasts can register for his workshops by logging on to