Blackberry App Dev Talk Slated for 29th March at IIIT Hyderabad

Blackberry is calling App developers to join Blackberry App Dev Talk on the 29th of March at CIE, International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH), which will be delivered by Vasudeva Thumati, who holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and is a Solutions Consultant, working as a part of the ecosystem solutions group at BlackBerry, in which he works with students, startups and bigger organizations to develop apps and solutions using BlackBerry products.

Attendees in this two hour session will get to know about BlackBerry products, different programming environments to application development on BlackBerry devices, demonstration of the tools, Application development using Cascades (Native), HTML5 apps, and Android runtime. asked Vasudeva to give insights about how Blackberry supports gaming apps and he says, “Game play, Unity, Marmalade, Shiva, and cocos2d-x are supported on BlackBerry 10.

“The BlackBerry 10 add on for unity pro is available for free. Developers can use any of these game engines for developing for BlackBerry. We also have support for steel series and gametel gamepads.” Adds more

“With best HMTL5 supported browser in the industry, html based games can be developed. Android gamers can also make their games available with android jelly bean runtime available now on latest BlackBerry 10 devices.” Adds further

According to Vasudeva, when it comes to creating an app, several aspects like battery consumption, offline capabilities, performance, security, localization, user experience on different form factors, need to be kept in mind.

And to know more…You can hear Vasudeva live by registering here for this event.