A leaked video of Rainbow Six: Siege has surfaced online only to be taken down by Ubisoft hours after it was uploaded on YouTube yesterday. Its footage of the closed alpha of the game depicts a hostage rescue mission aboard an airline.
Similar gameplay was seen at E3 2014 when Ubisoft announced Rainbow Six: Siege for PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One.
Ubisoft Montreal, last week started taking signups for a closed alpha for Rainbow Six: Siege, which appears to be the source of this video. The video demonstrates how one sets up mobile cover, flank, barb-wired fences and fire upon the hostage-takers at the back of a jumbo jet. This is a multiplayer match, not from the game’s campaign. Other gadgets include: sledgehammer for breaching destructible surfaces, EMPs and something called a Bonfire Launcher.
Rainbow Six: Siege saw the light of day after the cancelled Rainbow Six: Patriots, which Ubisoft scrapped when it realised that it would release it too close to the beginning of the new console generation.