Boat Rocker Studios’ new animated preschool series, Dino Ranch, has been picked up by Disney Junior U.S. The CG-animated show was created by Matt Fernandes of Industrial Brothers, which is producing with Boat Rocker Studios. Dino Ranch (52 x 11’) is currently in pre-production and set to premiere on Disney Junior in 2021, followed by an international roll-out.
The show follows the Cassidy family as they deal with life in a world where dinosaurs still roam the earth. The adventure series which is currently in pre-production aims to introduce kids to concepts like problem-solving, life-long friendship, caring for animals and strengthening family and community connections.
Disney’s linear channels have been taking viewers back in time recently, also picking up Cyber Group Studios’ CGI-animated series Gigantosaurus and eOne’s Cupcake & Dino—both of which premiered earlier this year.
Boat Rocker Studios will manage the global distribution, brand and licensing of Dino Ranch, and is already in advanced discussions with a number of leading partners, with a global toy deal set to be announced shortly. Prior to this, Boat Rocker and Industrial Brothers inked a master toy deal with Fisher-Price for animated series Kingdom Force, another preschool show created by Fernandes.