Nickelodeon and UDE to produce new ‘Avatar’ trading card game

Nickelodeon’s latest hit animated series, Avatar: The Last Airbender will be makes its trading card game debut this month. Upper Deck Entertainment (UDE) in association with Nickelodeon plans to create and distribute a new trading card game (TCG) based on the cartoon series.

The trading card game will be the first collectible card game to use UDE’s new QuickStrike game engine, which features lightning-fast one-on-one card combat moves, and will be compatible with future releases on the QuickStrike system. The new Avatar Trading Card Game will be available at participating stores across North America in February.

“We are thrilled to introduce Avatar fans to the exciting world of trading card games. Through easy-to-learn game mechanics, lightning-fast game play, and brand new card technologies, fans will have the chance to get the ultimate Avatar Trading Card Game experience,” said Upper Deck Entertainment brand and new product development director Cory Jones.

“Avatar has emerged as one of the most popular new shows for kids today with a deeply loyal and growing fan base that has been clamoring for Avatar merchandise ever since the show debuted. Avatar translates perfectly into trading cards because of its rich story and diverse collection of characters. The trading card game from Upper Deck will create a whole new level of excitement with a product that’s both fun to play and collect,” said Nickelodeon and Viacom Consumer Products senior director (toys) Joan Grasso.

Combining the world of Waterbenders, Earthbenders, Firebenders, and Airbenders, the Avatar Trading Card Game centers on the adventures of Aang — a reluctant hero who must lead the fight against the evil Fire Nation to restore balance in his war-torn world. Avatar fans can execute all the signature bending moves of Aang and the entire cast with UDE’s new foil Zenemental cards, and slide-open Chamber Cards, which allows players to reveal hidden moves, and simulate all the action seen on the hit television series.

The launch of the Avatar Trading Card Game will include Master of Elements Starter Sets, which features two 30-card decks, two Chamber Cards, one rulebook, and two game mats, packaged in the new UDECK plastic storage case. UDE will also release Master of Elements Booster Packs, which includes nine cards and one Chamber Card per pack.