Hyderabad based Nautilus mobile was in news last year for picking up NGDC 2013 People’ Choice Award- Indie Game of the Year Award for their debut game Song of Swords, and is now gearing up to launch their next gaming title Real Cricket 2014 on 31st March as a free app on Android.
AnimationXpress.com caught up with Nicolas Beuvin, Founder and Managing Director of Nautilus Mobile to get a preview of Real Cricket 2014 and bring you a free game demo, which you will find in the news
What is Real Cricket 2014 all about?
Real Cricket 2014 is targeted at filling that void and providing cricket fans all over the world a truly fantastic experience which can be easily accessible from the palm of their hand. Most games we see on the platform seem to always be inclined towards the arcade and casual style of game play. This leaves a massive void for a cricket game on the platform which is more realistic, and more engaging.
Who is the targeted audience and put light on the interesting aspects?
Our fan base is essentially composed of adults. We expected this when we originally designed the game to be a simulation, a genre that is not represented on mobile platforms till date.
Excitement setting up totals, nail biting chases, simple pleasure from hitting your favorite shots, the thrill of using your swing and change in pace to bamboozle opposing batsman are all emotions we are looking to bring to our players.
What is the animation medium used?
We are using “2D-motion-capture-hand-drawn-painted-style”.The realism is astonishing. Our demo got downloaded 10 000 times in 2 days, and our fan-base is growing exponentially since then. We are using Coco2d-x, because we needed the most flexible engine. With Coco, we have no limitation, we can do everything we want and twist every single details of the game. Get the game demo here
How much time has it taken to create the game?
Our game designer Anuj is working on it since 3 years, refining the Game play and the Artificial Intelligence for all this time. We can say with no doubt that our design is bullet-proof.
Vaibhav, our Art Director, took approximately 6 months of Research and Development to find the best look and feel for the game. He dissected and analyzed real-life cricket players’ movements in order to make the game as much realistic as possible. And he nailed it.