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Cartoon Network’s ‘Micro-Network’ launch to amuse app obsessed phone users in bits

Cartoon Network’s modest and promising shows have been an awesome source of entertainment since last many years. Shows, Movies, Games… now what else for the gynormous bunch of people on phone?

CN has now announced the launch of a “Micro-Network” app, naming it as Cartoon Network Anything – which will avail the gamers with various 15 second TV shows and short-time games across the globe.

Cartoon shows aren’t TV series, hence they need not be a longing piece of entertainment.

Videos, games, and potentially new cartoons which would come to a conclusion within 15 seconds. “Micro-network” initiative is an attempt to “boil down Cartoon Network to its essence”, says Chris Waldron, vice president of CN Digital. Fresh advertisement-less content is promised. Existing app – Watch Cartoon Network, is a replication of what TV shows bring forth on the television screen, Cartoon Network Anything will produce content solely for the app.

Release date of Cartoon Network Anything hasn’t been announced yet; however the approach looks genuine and amusing.

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