Toonkaar Animation Studio Working on Animation Series ‘Altappa- Milky Milky the Power’

After the Great Success of Two Short films ‘A day in the life of India’ awarded by The Times of India in 2011-12 and ‘The last roar’ on the  theme of save tigers, Toonkaar Studio is on their way towards a milky Journey filled with entertainment and magic known as ‘Altappa-Milky Milky the Power’.

As its co-founder and creative director, M. Rafique is well-versed with 2D direction and content development, he and other co-promoters, C. N. Mathur, Rajendra Chandani & Sunil Kumar decided to create a 2D animated Series comprising of 26X 11 episodes.’s Nicole Fernandes asked M.Rafique about the concept behind creating this series, and he stated, “The main aim is to attract and motivate children between the age group of 3-8 years to make Milk as their best friend for their daily nutrition and good health.”

Toonkaar started its Milky journey in March 2012, only after conducting nutrition surveys in different schools, NGOs, pediatricians, child psychologists and parents. M. Rafique said “Most of the pre-production part is ready and the production is at full swing.”

This series is being produced by Toonkaar Sona Entertainment Pvt. Ltd, directed by M. Rafique, and has been written by Pinaki Ghosh and Arun Mittal.

The Two most significant names that have been added to this series is ‘Altappa’- A slang word, which means one who appears all of a sudden or unwanted. And ‘Chaturganj’- the residents of that town think they are clever (chatur), which they aren’t. Through analysis of the two above mentioned names, it clearly proves that Toonkaar has put in efforts to specifically represent two kinds of personalities that do exist in the society even in today’s century. It highlights the attitude of the society and the ignored child as well.

The character representation of ‘Altappa’ is shown as a 4 year old boy, gains energy after the intake of milk and helps people around. The purpose behind this is to inspire kids to love milk and even learn to overcome different challenges everyday. The location Set-up of the ‘Chaturganj’ includes a traditional look and feel with all Modern facilities. This sounds to be an interesting concept as the viewers can easily relate to the location in any corner of the World, as it is an important element of each one’s material life.

The unique feature that will help this series to ‘stand-out’ in 2D Animation is the use of Fine Arts, Classical and Digital Animation. Last but not the least; M. Rafique mentioned “Toonkaar is confident enough for this series to be a Success as relevant efforts have been taken up by its highly talented and skilled artists with full imagination, enthusiasm and energy.”