Design 2 Win team of Wacom India has already brought out contests on creating Digital Portrait Painting and Cute Monsters and now it has announced a fresh lineup of contests which will again give you a chance to take home Wacom goodies. You can test your creative skills by participating in contests, Create a Superhero and Comic Strip, these contests have jumpstarted on the 5th of this month and the final entries for Create a superhero shall be accepted on 15th August whereas the comic strips can be sent by 5th September
Speaking to’ Zeenia Boatwala about the contests, Saumya Aggarwal, Marketing Manager, Wacom India, says, “ Our aim has always been to promote creativity and with these contests and main thought behind comic strip contest is to add fun element with design experience.”
The contests are open to Indian participants and you can make use of any software that suits goes well with your imagination and Wacom India is looking out for a new and unique superhero and comic strips with gripping gags.
Winners of these contests stand a chance to win A Wacom bamboo tablet and a goodie bag and there would be two winners selected for the superhero that would be winning the Most popular award and jury award whereas only one winner would make its mark in the comic strip contest. Design2Win team will be judging the competition
For participation, you can log on to the official website of Design2Win by following the link, register yourself and share your creative’s.