Nashik based Lucid Lane animation studio’s YouTube Channel ‘Kids Food Factory‘, hosting animated cooking show webisodes has crossed 12,000 views. Launched in February earlier this year, the channel currently has two webisode series namely ‘Yummy Recipes for Kids’ (11×3 mins) and ‘Nina’s Nutrition Tips’ (9×11.5 mins)
Lucid Lane, which specializes in E learning content, launched this channel as they were passionate about food and wanted take easy cooking recipes to kids through the medium of animation. Kids Food Factory is India’s only animated cooking channel and was launched with a goal of teaching nutritious recipes to tiny tots of 6 years and above.
Talking to’s Nicole Fernandes, Mihir Takle, CEO, Lucid Lane says, “This food episodic series is specially conceptualized to teach kids how to cook the simplest healthy recipes at home.” ‘Yummy Recipes for Kids’ every episode comprises of the animated character ‘Nina’ who teaches different recipes on Fridays every week. On the other hand, the animated character ‘Nina’ explains the nutrient value of each healthy dish on Tuesdays in every episode of ‘Nina’s Nutrition Tips.’
Cooking being a technical process, the studio had to deal with the challenge of explaining cooking using simple visuals. Sharing more on this Darnish Kalra, Promoter, Lucid Lane, shares, “We followed a clear cut detailed animated cooking fashion which included ingredients with measurements, brand recommendations, cooking method in steps and serving suggestions /tips.” The team also interacted with a well known food expert and designed recipes that were nutritious as well as tasty. This helped them choose fairly simple recipes that anyone could assemble / cook in a jiffy.
Kids Food Factory is currently self funded by the studio and revenue is in form of advertising through YouTube Channel partnership. The studio plans to make these webisodes available in other Indian languages as well in future. This series will soon be accessible on Apple App Store too. Currently the studio is planning to develop the next series titled “Kids Can Cook”, which will feature young master-chefs teaching Nina (animation character host of the previous shows) how to cook.
The team behind the animation content on the channel consisted of Lead Visualizer- Nirzara Verulkar, Lead Animator- Sachin Jadhav, Lead Illustrator – Deepa Bachhava, Abhishek Verma and Sagar Mulane for Animation. The pre production was handled by Rohit Joshi and Avinash Ugale.