Purple Turtle all set to pitch Animation Series at Kidscreen 2014

Purple Turtle licensed by Aadarsh Pvt Ltd is World’s Cutest Turtle. In a way to expand and build new boundaries, Purple Turtle is now ready to pitch in for animation.

Purple Turtle will now represent the pilot episode “The Case of missing Cup Cakes” at Kidscreen Summit which will be held in New York from Feb 9 to Feb 12, 2014. The animation series from Purple Turtle has all the ingredients that make a great show. It has a wonderful character that has gained its popularity and fan following from the books and apps and of course for its spellbound cuteness.

N. K. Krishnanand, Head- Licensing and Publishing, Purple Turtle, said, “With our motion totouch new heights we are now all ready to showcase our animation series at Kidscreen. Our animation series comes from seasoned, Emmy award winner script writer from Los Angeles. Animation of the pilot script looks very appropriate to the target age group and will certainly rule the hearts of children of U.S and E.U. This gender neutral preschool property is created keeping in mind the Global audience, with the potential to become the next global hit.”


Kidscreen is the leading international trade publication serving the informational needs and interests of kids entertainment professionals. It is renowned as the kid’s entertainment industry’s most important annual event. In 2013, the conference welcomed more than 1,600 attendees from 47 countries. With more than 400 content buyers and 900 producers and distributors, Kidscreen is the biggest platform for kid’s entertainment industry.
