Amar Chitra Katha has been India’s favorite storyteller for more than 45 years and now, its animation division ACK Animation Studios continues to bring this rich legacy to the world of film and TV. SONS OF RAM, their first theatrical feature film (produced in collaboration with Cartoon Network India), continues its international festival rollout at TAAFI 2013, after the successful domestic release across India last November. TAAFI, Toronto’s first and foremost International Animation festival, celebrates the many forms of animation from around the world, supporting and nurturing the community that creates this art form. SONS OF RAM will be screened in the presence of its creators on Sunday, 28(th) July, 2013 at 12:30 noon at the prestigious TIFF Bell Lightbox.
SONS OF RAM (written and directed by Kushal Ruia), tells the story of twins Luv and Kush and their journey to their roots, with the great Indian epic RAMAYANA as its backdrop. Complete with a cast of lovable and relatable characters, the film is an epic coming-of-age adventure told with global sensibilities and beautiful art. Both children and adults will love this story for its balance of entertainment with meaningful and relevant themes. The film received unanimous praise from critics and industry professionals in India, who called it “the best Indian animated film so far” (Vaibhav Kumaresh, Celebrated Indian Animator), “Ruia’s storytelling wins you over” (The Times of India), “amazing clarity and breathtaking freshness” (
Kushal Ruia, writer / director of “Sons of Ram” & Head, ACK Animation Studios, says, “The genuine outpouring of love and praise for the film’s storytelling and characters, on its release in India, was momentous. Now, to have SONS OF RAM play at TAAFI is even more so for me because as a Sheridan Animation alumnus, I learned all I know about animation and film right here! Though SONS OF RAM is a very small film compared to what North American audiences are generally used to, the story has a big heart, is told with bucket-loads of passion and was made against all odds by a ridiculously talented bunch of people. I hope the audiences here will connect with ‘Sons of Ram’, just like Indian audiences did!”